A Ghrá reintroduced its awards night, the first since the beginning of the Covid Pandemic, it was a great opportunity to meet up, enjoy a lovely meal and acknowledge the hard work and loyalty of A Ghrá’s Carers and office staff.
Following a lovely meal, Arthur Connern, (CEO) took the opportunity to address all staff to thank them and remind them of the important role they have in helping to ensure ‘quality of life’ for those most in need in our communities. He passed on some kind words received from a Client’s family, which struck a chord with all present.
Arthur took the opportunity to thank and acknowledge all staff with five years or more service for their hard work and loyalty.
Finally, the Caregiver of the year for 2022 was announced;
Patricia Forkan, a very worthy recipient, thanks once again Patricia and all C

arers for your great work throughout the year, your clients and all at A Ghrá greatly appreciate it.